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Why Africans Must Condemn EU “Homosexuality” Resolution

Ø After AIDS failure, Homosexuality is a new weapon to “wipe” Africans;

By Dr. Adrian Achilles*, Rhodes, Greece, 15-12-2018:

THE European Union (EU) Parliament recently issued resolutions on a number of issues including those touching upon some African countries like Tanzania. At the outset, let me say, for want of better words, I will be consistently referring to the decision as a “shameful homosexual resolutions.”

I would not take offensive with several EU complains on democracy and press freedoms in Africa because so far there is no agreed unit or measurement of what is good or bad democracy! Is it good democracy that we accept some ruling clichés to stay for a lifetime in Europe in the good name of “King or Queen” and condemn a leader in Africa who stays in power for 15 years?

Is it good democracy that we had the US toppling a democratically elected President of Iraq? Is it good democracy and protection of free speech that the US is chasing Julian Assange who just enjoyed his freedom of speech by “disseminating” vital documents about the US government? And as he keeps enjoying his international right to asylum, the US intelligence community keeps spying on him!see:

Is it right to condemn African countries when they sanction errand media houses for violation of national laws, or wasting time to brand African countries as anti-press freedom for death of one journalist, while the situation is worse among our own EU members (with a record high in journalist deaths in 2017)? Read:

I reiterate it is deceiving for me to allow a discussion on those baseless accusations; what remain shocking to me is the new trend and probably a new forced universal norm on which Capitalist countries would want to impose their own values that are unacceptable among African traditions.

This is shocking and Africans must be united to protest and protect the sanctity of their mother continent, its values and great moral foundations which remain the hallmark of an African homestead that as a young European volunteer I learnt to appreciate.

I laughed to my tears to listen men and women MPs in Brussels sweating to defend homosexuality-they want to impose immorality, abomination and decide for the Africans. It is this sin that angered God who ultimately decided to burn to ashes the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.

The Bible (for my own ignorance of other holly books) Chapter 20:13 (Leviticus) states: “If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.

With the Biblical guide, the resolutions of this sort are unfortunate and shameful. This is dreadful. Today, EU stoops too low to use its parliament to force an African country to become atheists, forcing it to allow homosexuality? Is this a new norm in the international system?

The cursed practice is not human right the EU members know this, it is against human dignity and biblically, it is punishable by death as cited above. We know human rights are not universal except for those basic rights such as freedom to live, gather and share opinion.  

Unfortunately, and more shocking, the ones who took the Bible and introduced the God of heaven to Africa, today, they come again and try to force on Africans to commit a blasphemy that the same God they introduced vehemently forbid. Africa may now need to go and teach Europeans the world of God.   

This is heinous. Homosexuality is devilish. I would clearly call it, a mockery to the country’s sovereignty. It is obviously upholding the grievous mistakes committed against Africa by the European powers at the 1884-85 Berlin Conference.

I wish I was a native African. Why can’t Africa speak out and vehemently oppose this generational aggression? For how long will it continue? Is it because of aid? It is time Africa reconsidered its position.

Why is it that the African Union (AU) Secretariat and member states are quite, taking in orders and reprimands from EU as if they were their provinces?

How can they choose and force priorities for the African countries? This is wrong. If Africa does not refuse this state of affairs, it will never develop. They say Tanzania’s 30 years is the harshest sentence to homosexuals in the world. Other countries have death penalties and in others, they languish in jail all their life. Can’t you establish the motive here? Which one is the harshest between death, life sentence and 30 years?    

            EU Resolution Presents A Neo-Control Strategy
The EU “shameful homosexual resolutions,” requiring African countries such as Tanzania to repeal laws criminalizing homosexuality is not new for countries which focused on their priorities to bring development for her people.

This is obviously a pretext to thwart Tanzania’s speed development outcomes that every keen observer can witness. See:

They use same old tricks: they used the human rights card to discredit Col. Gaddafi of Libya, Cuba’s Fidel Castro, Palestine’s Yasser Arafat. Iraqi’s Saddam Hussein and others who choose to define their needs against the West’s neo-colonialist interests.

Former South African President Nelson Mandela told Ken Adelman of the Institute of Contemporary Studies in US that: “ANC was an independent organization and their attitude towards others is determined by their attitudes towards them.” This should be the position.

Mandela told him: “we have our struggle which we are conducting,” this was a perfect answer. How can the Europeans choose priorities for Africa while they have their own struggles? Are these not the ones who colonized Africa? Nevertheless, there is a UN charter that restricts such tendencies.

The resolutions, therefore, are against UN Charter on respect for the principles of national sovereignty and non-interference in the internal affairs of states.

On 9 June, 2016, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) unanimously confirmed the non-existence of a right to gay marriage, but today same EU countries would defy their own “rule of law!”

“… the European Court of Human Rights unanimously recalled that the European Convention on Human Rights does not include the right to marriage for homosexual couples, neither under the right to respect for private and family life (art. 8) nor the right to marry and to found a family (art. 12),” the decision read.

Global campaign ad against homosexuality.
It recalled that the question of same-sex marriage is “subject to the national laws of the Contracting States” and Article 12 confirmed the traditional concept of marriage, which is the union between a man and a woman and "does not impose an obligation on the governments of the Contracting States to grant same-sex couples access to marriage."

If the EU itself has no right to force a member state to uphold homosexuality, why does its Parliament full of political flatterers want to impose it on Tanzanians? I appeal to my brothers and sisters, especially in the countries I volunteers fo years like South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Egypt to remain steadfast and uphold their culture.

AIDS was man made, is homosexuality another weapon?
Claims are abound that AIDS was manufactured in laboratory to wipe away Africans, it has failed. Africa needs to build capacity in science. Now, homosexuality is being forced on Tanzania and Africa in general. It is a menace. It is a new AIDS intended to “wipe” African intellectuals, youthful resources and drain them into derision.   

Homosexuality will deny Tanzania and Africa of the workforce. No children will be born any more. The workers will be imported from abroad. Traditional family life will no longer be there, they African smiles and happiness will be curtailed. The population will seriously drop. Immorality will be rampant and curses will be all around. Are you ready for such a calamity?

*The author is a social volunteer who worked in several African countries for over 10 years and has since 2010 returned to his native Greece.


  1. Dear Good Doctor,

    It`s not my nature to react to newspaper or onlinenews columns like this, but as a son of Afrika I was moved by your thoughts and I feel obliged to share my opinions.

    First of all, I will be different from your stand on homosexual condemnation if I get it right. I agreed this is not something we need to upheld as part of our african tradition and it is not also in our position to condem someone`s sexual orientation.

    Yes let's condem but not criminalize homosexual, we can not select SIN. There is no good sin nor bad sin...a sin is a sin and it is for God to decide. It is baseless to say homosexual is a SIN and keep quite about People who bear children out of wedlock, infact we have many SIN that we have decided to keep our eyes closed, why homosexual is the biggest of all?

    Since our Government (by 100%) are not secular government, let's work to ensure every human being treated equally and for the SIN parts let's leave to God and his servant to work out Judgement option. I insist let's condem but passing Judgement will be upon them and their God.

    If we are to decide which deed is SIN in the eyes of God then let's leave behind other SIN such as Sex before marriage, and treat every SIN equally. If we cant do that then let's leave gay people in peace and as long as they are not violenting anyone's right.....then allow them to leave in peace.


    Aluwatan Mnyadi


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